Meet the Team
The Intergreen Team is consisted of 6 separate teams of Project Coordinators from 6 countries and 6 organization and institutions. The Intergreen Team also gathers a number of VET, sustainability and environmental experts, including technicians. Their main mission is to make sure that the envisioned Intergreen objectives and targets are met, and that high-quality products are delivered to you.

The Partners

GIP FIPAN is a French Public Interest Group established in 2002 in Nice with main objective to support the professional training and continuous education of adults. GIP FIPAN serves as a policy management and development tool of the of the rector of the Academy of Nice. Its mission is to develop cooperation at Academy level, as well as - To offer consulting services to private companies in the field of human resources management and professional development through training; - To offer support towards Validation of Prior Learning (VAE) for National Education diplomas; - To offer professional development through training of the personnel at the Nice Academy etc. GIP FIPAN has more than 110 dedicated individuals working in 10 different departments.

CIAPE is an Italian non-profit organization, established in 2009 in Rome with main objective to promote inclusive and innovative lifelong learning. CIAPE is specialized in design and conducting of professional and certified training activities for development of soft and professional skills based on the labour market. With more than 100 European projects successfully managed until now, CIAPE counts on a network of more than 300 partners all over Europe. Furthermore, as proven advocate for agile working and co-working, in 2018 CIAPE has launched a brand new co-working space in Rome - "The Apartment", which offers co-baby services to co-workers and the whole public. CIAPE is fully dedicated to the development of an inclusive learning society in whihch every i deserndividual has the right to learn and develop his/hers skills.

Municipality of Lousada is a Portugease local public institution in Northern Portugal that manages an area of 96 km2 and about 50.000 inhabitants. Lousada is a highly populated area, in a periurban region, and faces many challenges regarding its sustainable development, life quality and populations' literacy and citizenship. Thus, the Municipality’s mission is to define guiding strategies and execute the resulting local policies through measures and programs in various areas of our competence, promoting the quality of life of all citizens and ensuring high standards of quality services. Since 2015, the Municipality has implemented an innovative and pioneer sustainability agenda, integrating all types of stakeholders in its activities such as, private companies, parishes, schools, NGOs, etc. The whole Lousada's educational system was also shifted towards environmental actions, with local projects of nature conservation and public mobilization for the environment. Also, the territory has been intervened in order to protect priority areas for biodiversity, control invasive species and restore degraded areas. The owners of private land are too being involved in sustainable programmes supporting biodiversity, agriculture and forestry under eco-friendly, profitable, management options that directly contribute to a circular multi-stakeholder economy at a local level. Green governance is a key priority for Lousada, and hopefully this project will contribute to a more conscious and effective environmental decision-making.

DIAS VET is a Greek educational and counseling organization, based in Karditsa, accredited by the Greek National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance–EOPPEP. DIAS VET was established in 2009 and till this day, has openned two other operational offices in Greece. The organisation has been granted ISO 9001:2015 certification, and as such, is implementing a quality management system in with carefully designed training programmes and quality-tested according to international standards in the field of Vocational Education. DIAS VET's vision is to become competitive, European wide VET organization and to provide education and training opportunities, counselling, and support to individuals and businesses. The organization employs 11 full-time staff and 50 part-time trainers / experts. DIAS is experienced in developing training solutions focused on digital upskilling and sustainability skills, in promoting quality entrepreneurship and self-employment, in strengthening the green skills of young and existing entrepreneurs, in a market where the need for environmentally friendly engagement and sustainable business practices is emerging.
SYNTHESIS is a research and education center located in Nicosia, Cyprus. On local and national level, the organization is a pioneering and leading organisation in the field of social inclusion and employment, social entrepreneurship and sustainable development. SYNTHESIS manages the well-known HUB NICOSIA, which operates as an educational centre and a community of organisations focused on achieving specific cultural, environmental and social objectives. As an accredited Vocational Education & Training provider, SYNTHESIS focuses on development of training programmes which empower small enterprises and their employees, as well as enhances employment opportunities of socially excluded people. SYNTHESIS aspires to take part in actions that improve individual lives, that enhance social inclusion, and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

North Macedonia
ECO LOGIC is an environmental non-profit organization based in Skopje, North Macedonia. ECO LOGIC is dedicated to environemnt protection and conservation, promotion of modern ecological practices, as well as to monitoring and promotion of the sustainable development principle. The organization has strong background in development and delivery of diverse training activities for various categories, such as children, youth and adults, and has a strong network of European, national and local partners, both, organizations. The organization has an experience team of project managers, VET and sustainable development experts. Furthermore, ECO LOGIC has a strong background and experience in VET and non formal education in various topics. Since its establishment in 2011, the organization has devoted itself to share and promote knowledge and information on the topics of environment, ecology and sustainable development.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation. Neither the European Union nor the grating authority can be held responsible for them.
Project No. 2022-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000086582